Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Wake Up Call

I blog whats on my mind, and well right now the only thing on my mind is my little sister. Today i had someone come up to me and tell me karen was "poppin pills'. I couldnt believe it because well she is my little sister and i dont see her doing anything like that. She kept telling me she was depressed and she hated our school because of the noisy people and that people were spreading rumors about her but i thought she was over reacting. but what i didnt realize was that it doesnt matter how small the rumor is, it still hurts. I haven't heard of any rumors bout her but im sure no one would tell me cuz they know i would bitch them out if they did start shit with her. I guess my little sister got to the point where she wanted to end her life. She tried to OD with some pain killers and the worst part is that one of her friends did it with her to get a high. Well all i have to say is that that 'friend' is dumb mother fucker and i want to kick your fucking ass soo bad. She knew how my sister was feeling and she still let her take the damn pills? usually when your friends are trying to hurt themselves your supposed to be there to steer them away, to guide them to a better path. but no, what does this dumb bitch do? She takes some with her. If your reading this right now, well congrats, i official hate you. and you dont want to be on my bad side. Anyways so my little sister takes these pills and i didnt even know. Next thing i know i get pulled out of honors lit by the principle and he is asking me a million questions about karen, and then i knew... i knew she really did pop those pills. and you know what is said? "That dumb bitch" but what should of came out was 'Is she okay?'. You guys dont know my little sister like i do. But yet again i dont even know her that well. This crazy stunt of hers proves that. Who would of guesses that my little sister would try to hurt herself? You guys can all call her stupid for trying this, but you guys dont know the pain that she is going through, shit i dont even know. Right now she is at the hospital with my mom. Im at home blogging because well i didnt know what else to do. I have to work today and i cant be with my little sister. But i know she will be fine, my mom told me so. The reason why im blogging about this is because i know ppl will talk shit about her, but the few people who read this, i want you to know what really happened to see that she isnt stupid, she is just hurting. I know everyone is going to find out, and everyone is gonna come up with some bullshit. but this was a cry for help, and i really do hope that my parents aren't stupid and bitch her out or anything. Fam[ily] is all she really has. I know ima be here for her. I'ma do everything in my power to make her happy, to make her realize that hurting yourself isnt the answer. I only have one sister. Yes she is a dumbass sometimes and i know i call her a bitch and all that stuff but she is my sister. Thats how sisters act with each other. I love that dumb brat to death, and i will do anything for her. Its a crazy idea that i might have lost her today. If she took just a little bit more of pills, she might not be here with us anymore... and well i dont know what i would do without her. who would i annoy in the mornings? Who would i gossip with? Who would i cuddle up to watch tv with? Who would be that bridesmaid in my future wedding? Who would be the aunt of my future child? Who will i play bingo with when im old and wrinkly? Who will be there for me when my friends are? My life will be empty without her. Its sad how i needed this to happen for me to realize all this. but sometimes you need a wake up call, and im pretty sure my whole family just got one.

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